Is There Anything Too Hard For God?

Jennifer Williams

April 30, 2019

So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated its enemies.  Joshua 10:13

This must be the greatest miracle yet!  Through one man's prayer, the sun stood still.  There are many arguments as to how this could happen, and while some have claimed to have pinpointed the year, others have proven scientifically that it actually took place.  It is claimed to be the oldest eclipse ever recorded.  Whilst all the scholarly debates and research findings make interesting readings, the bible recording of the event is enough for me to believe that the sun and the moon stood still at Joshua's request.  

Joshua had found himself in a situation because he did not consult the Lord on issues he had faced and was having  repercussions on the matter. God, however, did not punish him for his actions. Instead, God showed himself strong in answering Joshua's prayer.  Now, if Joshua had consulted the Lord, he would not have been drawn into this battle, but because he did not, he was deceived by the people of Gibeon.  So he found himself having to honour a treaty that he should not have made in the first place.  

While in battle Joshua prayed and ask the Lord to let the sun stand still.  The battle was in full swing,  but it would get dark, and Joshua wanted to finish the job.  He did not want to give the enemy an opportunity to prolong their attack.  Out of that Joshua prayed and God moved.  He made the sun stand still and the moon stayed in place until Joshua and his army defeated the enemy!  There has never been a day like this one before or since, when the Lord answered such a prayer (v. 14)

It took the sun and the moon to stand still for Joshua to finish the battle.  He prayed because he needed more day time not because he needed to win because God had already promised him victory.  It shows the length that God  would go to help his people.  Paul in his letter to the Ephesians said "And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep His love is" (ch. 3:18).  God is for us, we only have to look on what he does in our lives or turn our eyes to his promises.  He will move mountains that are in your way if they block His purpose for your life.

Like Joshua we too make decisions on evidence that is presented before us.  Whilst everything may appear to be viable, it is still a wise choice to pray about it.  We serve an awesome God!   The God that has power to make the sun stand still wants to live in us, and to impart this great power to us through the Holy Spirit.  Be encouraged that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us!  Let us ask him to open the eyes of our hearts to understand, and that we may experience the love of Christ, even though it is too great to understand fully.  I believe that even a glimpse would be able to sustain us!  

Scripture references:

  • Joshua 9, 10


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