God Will Make a Way

Jennifer Williams

April 27, 2019

Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters........ I will even make a road in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:16,19b.

The story is told of a man who was the sole survivor of a wreck that left him on an uninhabited island. After a while he managed to build a hut and placed everything he had saved from the wreckage in it.  He prayed for deliverance and anxiously scanned the horizon every day for passing ships.  One day on returning from a hunt for food he found his hut in flames. Everything he had was gone.  Thinking that the worst had happened, he sat in despair.  The next day, a ship arrived. "We saw your smoke signal" the captain said.  

That which seemed to have happened for the worse can in reality be for the best.  "All things work together for good..."  When the Children of Israel came to a dead end with the Red Sea in front and Pharaoh's army behind, God did what He does best; the impossible.  He made a way where there was no way!  Moses told the people not to be afraid, but to "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish".... Exodus 14:13.

In our text, we see where many years later and another deliverance at hand, God reminded the people that he was still the God who makes a way.  He wants us to always remember what he's done for us in the past because it encourages us to trust him.  But we can't dwell there we must move forward to other experiences.  He will do something new! He won't deliver us the same way every time.  

As sure as we will have trials, he is sure to deliver us!  Our wilderness experiences are times of testings.  It is when we are drawn aside by the Lord, not for harm, but to grow us. He has plans for us and he ensures that we are equipped to carry them out.  He has a better way for all his children.  To be ready for battle, ever soldier must go through training.  Moses spent forty years in the wilderness after he left the king's palace.  On his return he was ready to lead God's people out of Egypt!

Just as God led the Children of Israel through the wilderness, he will lead us through our troubles.  He will make a road for us in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wilderness experience is hard but remember, it is when we come to the end of ourselves that Jesus steps in.  That's what happened in the story.  The man had no more strength in himself, he had nothing left, and that's when he received deliverance.  God wants to be in control because he alone knows the way.

You are never alone in your time of trial.  God is always there.  In verse 2 he said that he will be with you.  He may be silent but he is not deaf.  He is making a road for you to get through the wilderness, and rivers in the desert to refresh you.  Ask him to open your eyes to what he has provided while you are there and not become blinded by your life's circumstances. 

God will make a way where there seems to be no way!

Scripture reference:

  • Isaiah 43


God is in Control


Is There Anything Too Hard For God?