Where He Leads

Jennifer Williams

July 13, 2019

So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Exodus 13:18

No one knows the mind of God. In his wisdom he did not want his people to go back to Egypt, so he did not lead them through the shorter route but took them around by way of the wilderness towards the Red Sea. He knew that they would have to engage in war with the Philistines on the shorter distance, and since Egypt was near by, they would have returned out of fear. The people were afraid of the Philistines who were relentless in the ongoing conflict between them. God in his wisdom, spared them because he was going to fight for them.

God always looks at the big picture. How easy it would have been to release his people from bondage in Egypt and carry them right into Canaan. We are told that they left Egypt arrayed for battle but we read later on that it was He God who fought their battles with the Egyptians who pursued them. The way was long and hard but God protected them in the wilderness.

In his wisdom, God will so have it that our walk with him would also take us through the wilderness of life. Through seasons of fear and distress or hardship. As he guided Moses and the Children of Israel through the wilderness, so he guides us today. He sent his son Jesus to reconcile us to himself so that we can go directly to him. We don't have to wait on anyone to approach him on our behalf. The Children of Israel had to depend on Moses to approach God. He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel (psalm 103:7)

The people only saw the outcome but Moses experienced God on the mountain. God shew himself to the one who talked with him and sought him out. He is still showing himself to those who seek him. Furthermore, He gives us whatever we ask according to his will. It may not happen at once or even in the way we expect it to, but wait for him, he will come. ......So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation or establish you (1 Peter 5:10). God has a plan of delivery for every situation we are facing in life and I often remind myself that nothing surprises him.

Look back over your life to see how God has led you and thank him for his wisdom. It may have been hard but he uses our experiences to prove himself strong and bring glory to his name. We don't know the way, nor do we understand at times where or how he is leading, but in his wisdom he will lead you to his purpose for your life.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)

Scripture reference:

  • Exodus 13:17-22


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