Let God Be True...

Jennifer Williams

July 13, 2019

But you promised me, 'I will surely treat you kindly, and I will multiply your descendants until they become as numerous as the sands along the seashore--too many to count.'" Genesis 32:12

By means of deception, Jacob obtained his brother Esau's birthright and fled to his uncle's home where he stayed for many years. Amidst many struggles Jacob prospered and it became time for him to return home. He remembers his deceit and fear began to fill his heart because he was about to see his brother Esau again.

On the surface, Jacob seems a little, if not a lot shady, but if you read about his life in Genesis 25-49, you will see God's plan behind it all. He struggled in his relationships with God and man, not unlike many of us. The Lord had already said that Jacob would get the blessing even though he was not the firstborn. With the birthright comes the blessing and so Jacob received undeserved blessings. Of course there were hard consequences which he faced, but God blessed and prospered him.

On his way home, he encountered angels with whom he wrestled for his blessings. He wrestled to the point where his hip was wrenched out of it's socket, because he wouldn't let go of the angel until he received his blessing! There are times when we have to wrestle our way to becoming what God says of us. We know what he has promised but somehow we just can't see it materialize. This is when we have to bring it to God, just like Jacob did in our text. You promised Lord! You said that you would save my family! You promised to be my provider!

Jacob's past was about to catch up with him and as fear gripped his heart, he fell to his knees and our text is a part of his prayer. He needed to bring God's promises about his life to the one who made them. In the 28 chapter we read of the blessing that Jacob received from his father. In his heart he wanted to see them materialized because his survival depended on them! God honours his word and Jacob met his brother in peace. We can believe every word that comes from God!

It is what God says it is about your life. Sometimes we have to bring his promises to him, it's not that he has forgotten but we must accept what and who he says we are. We must agree with him and in his time he will make it happen. There are times when we have to wrestle, when only full surrender will bring us deliverance just like Jacob. He wrestled all night with God, he would not let go until he got the blessing. It was that blessing that changed his name and character.

God has called each of us and has given us a name. With that name we must produce his character. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms and has poured out his glorious grace on us who belong to Jesus (Eph 1:3-14). He has made everything possible in Christ so that we can fulfill the plans he has for us. So let God's word about your life be true rather than man's, for God is faithful to his promises!

Scripture references :

  • Genesis 32


A Word From God